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Welcome to our wonderful world. We sincerely hope that each and every user entering our website will find exactly what he/she is looking for. With advanced features of activating account and new login widgets, you will definitely have a great experience of using our web page. It will tell you lots of interesting things about our company.

Our site design and navigation has been thoroughly thought out. The layout is aesthetically appealing, contains concise texts in order not to take your precious time. Text styling allows scanning the pages quickly. Site navigation is extremely intuitive and user-friendly. You will always know where you are now and will be able to skip from one page to another with a single mouse click. We use only trusted, verified content, so you can believe every word we are saying. We are always happy to greet the new visitors on our site.

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Poor WiFi performance can seriously disrupt daily tasks and lower productivity. This is why today’s users require fast, reliable WiFi as standard.

Asp Infotech is a leading provider of business WiFi solutions. Delivering high-speed connections to businesses,Hotels, educational establishments, public sector organisations, retail outlets and the hospitality industry. All of our connections are secure, safeguarding user privacy and the information shared across the network. Our WiFi solutions can be implemented as part of your existing IT infrastructure or as a new installation. We understand your needs and will develop a WiFi solution to suit.

Reliable & Scalable

Access quick, secure and reliable WiFi throughout your entire business.

Fast & Secure

Safeguard connections and data through improved network security.

Wide Coverage

Covers a wide area and is easily accessible by multiple access points.

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Point-to-Point (PtP) WiFi

PtP WiFi is used to spread internet connectivity across large areas using wireless connection points, thus eliminating the need for extensive cabling.

So, if you feel like you’re paying too much for your leased line connections, Asp Infotech’s PtP WiFi Solutions can offer your organisation an alternative that could save you money while also providing a faster, more secure internet service.

Our Process

Step 1: Free desktop survey – We use custom desktop software to put together a digital version of your geographical layout. This enables us to identify the best spots for your wireless point-to-point links. Step 2: Choosing the best solution for you – We select the best PtP solution for you based on your internet requirements and the topology of your premises. Step 3: Active survey – This involves creating a temporary version of your setup on your premises, using our pump-up masts, in order to ensure the line of sight between your point-to-point bridges allows for fast and reliable connectivity. Step 4: Installation – Once your final PtP package has been approved, the full installation will be carried out with the utmost professionalism and efficiency by our qualified experts.

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Network Security

Do you doubt your network security? Unless you are certain your network is secure, you are putting your business at risk to growing digital threats.

Asp Infotech’s network security is designed with the safeguarding of the user’s privacy in mind. Bespoke to your organistions’ individual requirements, we offer a flexible solution whilst looking after your information.

Asp Infotech commit to performing regular maintenance and updates to your system. So if you take your network security as seriously as we do, get in touch.

Our Network Security solutions safeguard business-critical information and data shared across your network. They also protect against digital attacks and threats, minimise disruption to your business or organisation, monitor application usage and control what users can access.

What are the most common causes of network security breaches?

Human error:- Recent studies have shown that over 90% of cyber-attacks are a result of human error. This is usually due to a simple lack of skills or knowledge. Because of this, we offer expert network security advice to help prevent such incidents. Third parties:- Because many businesses work with external partners, there is a risk that giving these third parties access to your main WiFi network can cause a security breach. This is why having a secure Guest WiFi network can greatly enhance your organisation’s security. Lack of professionals:- Despite the increasing dangers of cyber threats, many organisations still do not have a trained cyber security professional or team. This kind of skills gap can put your organisation at great risk, which is why having a cyber security partner like KBR can be a huge benefit. Phishing:- Phishing communications (usually emails) are designed to appear safe to the recipient and are used to steal sensitive data, including login info and payment details. This is another threat which KBR help organisations combat through expert advice. Malware:- Malware is a term used for malicious software such as spyware, ransomware and viruses, and is a danger to anyone without effective network security. Therefore, installing strong security and antivirus software is the most effective way to protect your organisation against such attacks.

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Our Clients

We work with the companies that have established a stainless reputation in what they do. They are leaders in various spheres of business, and we appreciate cooperating with them.

About us

ASP Infotech is a well known leading IT Systems Management organization in providing modern, latest technology solutions for businesses of all sizes.
