IT Infrastructure Consultancy

Infrastructure Consultancy & Implementation

With “on-demand” innovations and hybrid delivery options such as cloud, converged and software-defined technologies, Febno Platform Consulting Services can make your infrastructure more efficient and agile for the New Style of Business. Offering open and partner platform choices, our experts will modernize and secure your environment, migrate your data and workloads and build management and automation along the way.

Asp Infotech Infrastructure Consulting services helps you develop a roadmap for building a flexible, responsive IT infrastructure aligned with your business goals. We provide comprehensive and lifecycle – oriented IT Infrastructure consulting services to meet your unique business requirements.

IT Infrastructure Consulting Services include:

* Technical audit of IT infrastructure according to general recommendations, including inventory and compliance with industry standards.

* Audit of the IT infrastructure management processes.

* High-level architecture development of company’s IT infrastructure.

* Solution design to optimize IT infrastructure.

* Optimization of IT infrastructure management processes.

* Training.

Technical IT infrastructure auditing

Most of our projects begin with a comprehensive technical IT infrastructure audit. In this audit, our team of consultants develops an inventory and catalog of all of your major IT systems, ensuring that we have a complete understanding of your existing IT infrastructure.

IT infrastructure management auditing

Using ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) best practices, we can perform a comprehensive audit of all of the systems used to manage your IT infrastructure, and provide recommendations for their improvement.

IT infrastructure architecture and development

Our team of business strategists and IT consultants specialize in the architecture, development and road mapping of IT infrastructure.

IT system optimization solutions

By examining each of your IT systems and identifying redundancies, inefficiencies, and other such issues, we can aid in the optimization of your existing IT systems and infrastructure.

Legacy platform migration

Migrating legacy data and platforms to new, modernized systems is a critical part of a business and technological transformation. With our deep expertise in legacy migration, we can ensure that your data remains intact and that any legacy applications required for your business can be transferred to a modern, streamlined IT infrastructure.

Data center security services

Securing and locking down your data is critical to avoid data breaches, which can result in liability, loss of profits, and damage to your corporate reputation. We can assess your current levels of data protection, and make recommendations to improve the security of your most critical IT infrastructure.

Our Clients

We work with the companies that have established a stainless reputation in what they do. They are leaders in various spheres of business, and we appreciate cooperating with them.

About us

ASP Infotech is a well known leading IT Systems Management organization in providing modern, latest technology solutions for businesses of all sizes.
