IOT and Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

From customer service to cybersecurity to transportation, artificial intelligence is re-engineering decision-making across industries and allowing human workers and, in turn, their organizations, to operate more intelligently and competitively. In the technology sector, a key benefit of AI is its power to transform traditional approaches to software and application development and testing.

Digital Automation Intelligence

Digital transformation has resulted in numerous unique, industry-specific challenges, but one thing is constant: delivering a high-quality user experience has never been more important. From point-of-sale systems to banking applications to healthcare systems to vending machines—and everything in between—if it’s digital, users expect it to work right, at every interaction, and on every possible platform and operating system.


Today’s complex, digital world relies on computer systems and software, and downtime is more than a fleeting annoyance. In many industries, it’s a critical failure that can have a lasting, negative impact on customer experience, the corporate brand and the bottom line.

Asp Infotech gives companies the ability to drill into critical data points such as:

*How page load times are affecting conversions, session length, bounce rate and revenue

*Which pages are the slowest

*How performance relates to device, browser, ISP, and location

*Where to focus your development and infrastructure investment

Armed with this information and details on other factors affecting performance, companies have a real-time view of what their customers are experiencing—and an action plan for addressing any areas for improvement. By feeding this critical data on performance and user behavior into development pre-release, companies can achieve better business outcomes and deliver an experience that delights every user, on every operating system, at every interaction—even during peak times.

We live in a digital world in which the quality of the customer experience will only grow more closely linked to company revenue. In this environment brands need a monitoring solution that not only encompasses outages and downtime, but also provides actionable insights for improving the digital experience. Eggplant can help companies navigate today’s performance challenges while simultaneously laying the foundation for tomorrow’s improvements.

Our Clients

We work with the companies that have established a stainless reputation in what they do. They are leaders in various spheres of business, and we appreciate cooperating with them.

About us

ASP Infotech is a well known leading IT Systems Management organization in providing modern, latest technology solutions for businesses of all sizes.
