IT Infrastructure

it’s Digitaligence at work!

When your IT infrastructure monitors itself and responds to business needs intuitively,

Today’s IT leaders need to be able to predict technology and market shifts successfully, and accordingly provide a responsive and scalable IT Infrastructure, while simultaneously simplifying complexity and bringing down costs.

Asp Infotech’s digitaligence stabilizes this dynamic by implementing automation, orchestration and machine learning with a shared service model that drives value creation. By creating a robust and secure infrastructure across managed services, workplace solutions, cloud services and backup and recovery, Asp Infotech allows businesses to become agile and responsive organizations that thrive in the digital paradigm.

IT Infrastructure Managed Services

Planning to set up a new company, factory or any organization and worried about where to start from? But why worry when the best IT Company ASP Infotech is here to take care of all your IT Infrastructure Managed Services. So get in touch with us to get the ball rolling.

Building IT Infrastructure

With any business IT infrastructure, comes a few essentials that should be prioritised above all else.


Obviously, without your hardware you’re not going to have much of an infrastructure to begin with, but a decent hardware setup is much more than deciding whether you’re on Apple or Windows. Setting up a sufficient infrastructure begins with a decent server.

Of course, working without a server is fine when you’ve got under 3 work stations, but if you’re planning on scaling up, it becomes a necessary to investment. A practical server costing no more than a desktop computer can service 25 or more users, but for most small operations, a ratio of one server to ten users is ideal.


Your software concerns range from the operating system your network will be running upon, to the productivity tools you and your team need for daily life in the office. Think about the needs of your business and shop around for the tools and software that will either aid or streamline your processes.

Google’s G-Suite allows you to create, edit and share documents online, offering a greater ease of accessibility for joint team projects, but problematic if the internet shuts down. If you’re an ecommerce business, now is the key time to shop around for point of sale technology. Analyse your needs and respond to them.


Email is a key communication tool for your business. Getting the right system is essential if you want to be able to communicate effectively and manage the messages you send and receive Although it is possible to set up and run an email system in-house, this is only really practical if you have your own server. New and smaller companies usually find that relying on a separate email service provider gives them more flexibility and reduces their management overheads. It’s hard to compare email service providers unless you have some idea of what you might need, but a helpful way to start is to think about; how many email addresses you need, how your business is likely to grow and what software and devices you use. Because email is usually a business-critical service, it’s important to check what support your email service provider can offer in terms of service hours and response time.

Outsourcing IT Infrastructure

If you are, however, setting up your own email system, the amount of time you’re going to spend slaving over management, as well as the minefield that is email security, it may be more beneficial to hire an IT support service. However, IT support is not just to do your email dirty work for you, they can offer you the support and knowledge your IT infrastructure needs to survive, allowing you to spend less time worrying about how to integrate your CRM software, and more time focusing on your growing your business. Similarly, by outsourcing your IT department, it ensures you’ve got a dedicated IT team that can assist with server support, data protection and computer security, whilst keeping the costs of your core team’s operational costs down.

Make it Scalable

It’s important that as you set about developing your IT infrastructure that you keep in mind the potential future growth of your business, as well as any existing business plans. Whilst a basic file sharing service might work well with your current 20 employees, 5 years later, after a couple hundred more employees, that same system is going to struggle under the extra strain, unravelling quickly, and taking your business with it.

It’s essential to procure products with administrative scalability, growth potential and with the option for to add functionalities at a later date. Doing the leg work now will help you avoid future switching costs such as company-wide retraining, not to mention skipping the headache of lost and irrecoverable data. Luckily, with the multitude of cloud based services offered today, it’s easier than ever to scale your costs and functions with your requirements. Cost and labour effective, cloud based systems are extremely adaptive and high functioning, and amongst a host of other benefits, extremely scalable across size, distance and industry.

Keep Processes Intuitive

It’s important that, when setting up your IT infrastructure, you set clear boundaries and processes to follow from the outset, opting always for permanent and traceable fixes. As a business owner or manager, you need to avoid the urge to over engineer your system, building up a web of cheap temporary fixes to patch up problems and creating a mass of implicit knowledge, that, if you left the company, it would still be able to function. Often, the burden of maintaining and remembering all of your temporary band-aids becomes so high, and the systems so inordinately complex, it becomes impossible to take a break, or delegate responsibility.

As stated above, to keep your business agile, set out structural guidelines and administrative procedures for all employees to follow, including yourself, when implementing a structural change.

Our Clients

We work with the companies that have established a stainless reputation in what they do. They are leaders in various spheres of business, and we appreciate cooperating with them.

About us

ASP Infotech is a well known leading IT Systems Management organization in providing modern, latest technology solutions for businesses of all sizes.
